by Sam Grisdale

The official first day of Spring may have been and gone, but unfortunately we’re not quite at long evening strolls down the beach or BBQs with the besties weather just yet.
Make the most of the still-kinda-rubbish-but-getting-better-I-suppose evenings and curl up on the sofa with our selection of top TV shows to binge on.
Just one more episode…
The OA
Yes, it’s had a 50/50 split amongst viewers, but if mysterious thrillers are your thing,The OA is a must-binge. And Part II is due to be released later in the year. Yaaas.
With 2 seasons and 22 episodes, this is perfect for those plan-less weekends where you feel like watching an anti-romcom.
Pretty Little Liars
Never watched Pretty Little Liars? We’ve All done things we’re not proud of. A group of four girls Are left devastated when their best friend Alison goes missing And A body is found. After her funerAl, the girls stArt getting blAckmAiled And hArAssed by An Anonymous foe nAmed ‘A’. You mAy not reAlise it now, but A few series down the line this simple letter will consume you, And you’ll be left wondering if the plot twist is thAt YOU’RE ‘A’. Whether you’re An existing fAn or not, now is the perfect time to stArt from the beginning in prepArAtion for the airing of the finAl series in A mAtter of weeks to get you up to scrAtch. Shh…
Gossip Girl
Hey wannabe Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here. Aspire to be part of Manhattan’s elite and compare yours (and everyone else’s) relationships to fictional characters? You’ll wish to live the life of Blair Waldorf with her witty humour and perfect fashion sense. The downside? You can’t have any secrets. Not with Gossip Girl watching. (And she’s always watching.) XOXO.
Breaking Bad
Believe it or not, there are still people out there who haven’t watched Breaking Bad. If you’re one of these people, you seriously need to reconsider your life choices.Walter White is a Chemistry teacher who gets diagnosed with an inoperable form of lung cancer. In order to provide for his family once the devil disease takes control, Walter puts his Chemistry knowledge to use and creates the purest form of crystal meth on the market. Featuring so many twists and turns, you’ll easily watch at least five episodes in one sitting, all the while craving fried chicken. Trust us.
Not quite ready to become a fully-fledged adult? Hold on to your teenage years a little while longer by re-living all of your naughtiest antics and crave a decent house party instead of your usual cup of tea and PJs on a Friday night.
A new Netflix original to hit our screens, Riverdale is all about the mystery, drama, a healthy dose of eye-candy and the age-old ‘who dunnit’ question. Definitely one not to miss!
How you doin’? Probably the most memorable and quotable of TV shows in existence, I think it’s safe to say we’ve all shared many a laugh and cry along with the characters of the show. Could the world BE anymore in love with this programme?!
Image credit: Unsplash
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