by Katy Love

The first day of spring is on its way and we are ready AF. But in case you’re not quite ready to bid winter a farewell, here’s a list of things to do to make the most of it…
Movie Day
Sure, you can have a film day anytime of the year but it’s all the more cosy when it’s raining outside and you’re in a duvet burrito with a box of chocolates within arm’s length?
A Winter Walk
Don your boots and head out in the cold for a crisp, fresh walk to blow off any cobwebs.
Grab A Coffee
There’s nothing better than watching the world go by with a grande latte, right? Bonus points for warming your cold hands up, too.
Have Some Me-Time
Make the most of your home comforts with a night of TLC to beat the winter blues.
Get Planning
Summer plans are made in the winter so get planning!
Image credit: Unsplash
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