National Chocolate Day is here AKA the best day ever. For the true chocoholics out there, here are 11 things all chocolate lovers know to be true…
If you kept a food diary it would look more like a shopping list for Willy Wonka’s factory.

National Chocolate Day is here AKA the best day ever. For the true chocoholics out there, here are 11 things all chocolate lovers know to be true…
With Lindsay Lohan’s reputation for always surprising us, and her 30th bday today, what better way to celebrate than reminisce about some of the surprising moments.
So it’s over. It feels like the end of the world. And you just don’t know what to do with yourself. Here’s all of the struggles we face when our fave TV series comes to a close
The airport is a very diverse place, you have a lot of time to kill.
You bet we’ve cherry picked our faves and grouped them together… and you might just be lucky enough to fit into of them too.
Next time you find yourself in departures, grab a cocktail and tick a few off your checklist. You won’t be disappointed…
1. The Sports Team – e.g. lads on tour. The rowdy pack of wolves sent from their home grounds that are in it to win it. Or should i say, in it to chant at the top of their voices for the entire duration of the journey. Of COURSE they are on your flight…
Will it? Won’t it? Can we really trust the weather forecast?! From warnings of torrential downpours to photo evidence of floods at Glasto, we ain’t taking no risks!
Here’s some tips for staying dry and happy without being the basic who puts up an umbrella and blocks Chris Martin’s face from full crushin’ view.
Christmas is over, you’re lying on the sofa dropping in and out of a food coma on the brink of death and then accidentally open the front camera, catching a glimpse of your one too many chins…
My mouth is dry AF and it hurts to blink.
Hangover, we meet again…
1. Realising where the hell you are
Am I in a bed? Nope.
Okay, so I’m on a sofa apparently (sure)… do I recognise this living room? That’s another no.
Do I remember completely stripping off/where I left any of my clothes?
Absolutely not.
Meet Lauren. She’s a 25-year-old makeup artist from Chicago, and battles with a rare skin condition: vitiligo. Oh… and she’s an absolute beaut.
We had a chat with her to make ourselves a bit more educated on vitiligo, how it affects people and what she reckons to the beauty industry at the mo’.
This is it, it’s over. The best three years of your life have come to an end and you’e not quite sure whether to feel sad or relieved, right? Just a heads up, this is what you’re about to go through…
OMG IT’S OVER!! You’ll never again have to pick up a text book or sit an exam, life in education has finally come to an end!
Wardrobe woes are at an all-time high when prepping for an interview right? Well, fear not, we’re on hand to help you sail through that dreaded meeting in style. And some top tips to impressing not just on your dressing…
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