When the weekend rolls around, we’re all about snoozing for as long as poss. So we’ve pulled together some of the dreamiest bedroom set ups and messy unmade beds to get you wanting an early night now.

When the weekend rolls around, we’re all about snoozing for as long as poss. So we’ve pulled together some of the dreamiest bedroom set ups and messy unmade beds to get you wanting an early night now.
1. Do it with passion or not at all. Your 20s are the years when you’re really finding out who you are and what you want from life. Don’t waste your time doing things that aren’t going to get you to where you want to be.
2. You’re stuck in that place between a wandering heart and adult responsibilities. If it feels right to you, go for it – stop caring about what other people think. You’ve still got a few years ‘til you need to be a ‘proper’ adult.
3. Travel is never overrated. We can’t all afford to explore the globe, but we can learn from different cultures around us. Get outdoors, rent a bike, try new things and talk to people you would never normally meet. If you’re lucky enough, hop on a plane and don’t come back for a few months…
The age old question: can a guy and girl be friends? Whilst we think it can be A-ok, there’s still those day to day struggles that every boy/girl friendship feels. Who’s with us?
He knows…
How you take your coffee, in fact he is usually already making it for you when you see him in the morning. And he gets it right every time.
He listens
All those non-fat, no foam, extra hot requests have trained his ear to an almost non human degree. Not only does he hear everything you say, he remembers too. Like when it was your work party the night before and he had already told you looked great (when you really didn’t) and asked about your night before you even ordered.
He encourages you to try new things
From the newly imported roast to the juice blend he’s just invented or the breakfast special that he’s sure you’ll love – he injects a sense of adventure to your daily routine.
He’s loyal
Day in, day out he’s always there for you. OK, so occasionally he might be sick or have a day off but we’re talking like 71% loyalty (if you include bank holidays and annual leave). Plus, if you go out with him, he’s gonna be available to you round the clock.
This week we asked some of our fave French bloggers to tell us more about how they feel and what they think about body confidence. Sincere and very honest, here’s all of their thoughts…
As part of our latest campaign, we’re hitting up some of the world’s coolest locations to show you how to spend your days ’til the sun goes down (don’t worry, we’ve covered the nights too)
Budapest is booming as the place to take a vacay so the Stylefix team explored the Hungarian capital to give you the lowdown on the hotspots you just have to visit. Passports at the ready…
Guide by Tom Wrench & Jess Harrington
Today’s the dreaded Friday 13th. Whilst we like to stay on the bright side, we all go through at least one of these on the daily…
The world is against me
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