It always seems worth it and then the morning after hits. It’s an obstacle course; from plating up microwavable chips, to holding a pillow over your head, to the phone call you make to your bestie with the need for reassurance that it’s all going to be OK. We get it. We’ve got you covered… Which is why we have exposed our own team tips on how to avoid an epic hangover.
(You’re welcome…)

Stacey: “I always ALWAYS eat before I go to sleep and aim to have 1-2 glasses of water.
On the day of the hangover, I probably consume between 1 and 2 litres of lemonade – the fizziness helps without being overpowering as anything too flavoursome can make you worse. And then I stodge it up with bread and a cheeseboard – I find Cheshire or Wensleydale works a treat.
..And in terms of emotional wellbeing, rom-coms and lots of hugs!”

Jen: “I don’t really do hangovers, much to the annoyance/disbelief of my friends. But, when the night before is EPIC, then the day after calls for diet coke or a chai latte, carbs (usually in the form of pizza) and someone… anyone to share a duvet and chick flick with. I’m not fussy. This warning comes with a disclaimer: Mean Girls is surprisingly emosh on a hangover, I mean…
‘I just wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles, and we’d all eat it and be happy’ “

Beth: “Carbs are a priority, accompanied by a pint of chocolate milk… with a side of Netflix. Hugs are also mandatory, whether it’s my friend, mum, sister or dog. I find hangovers are always easier to battle when you have the emotional support of another!”
Ella: “On a hangover I go for a smoothie and get outdoors! Either sticking my head out of the window or lying somewhere outside… like on a wall. Taking a walk to the shops in my PJs is also an option!”
Erin: “Since I once sobbed all the way through Coyote Ugly due to a hangover, I’ve learnt from my mistakes. I now take no risks and stick to strict rules: Friends marathons, gallons of water, a hot shower and savoury snacks ONLY! “

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