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This week we’re catching up with Jade from our Ecommerce Team based at our HQ office in Manchester. We get the 411 on what an average day looks like as a Senior Ecommerce Executive.

My alarm goes off at…

I usually set 3 or 4. My first alarm goes off at 6.30am then the second and third goes off every 10 minutes (literally) until I finally get up around 7am.

I start my day by…

Checking and reading through my emails on my way to work listening to Spotify, catching up on social media and getting a large latte to go! I need at least 2 coffees in the morning – I’m addicted!

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I’m responsible for…

Ensuring customers have a great online experience by making sure all touchpoints across all websites are up to date with inspirational content and also by managing and coordinating the execution of the promotional trade plan. Also by making sure competitor sites are routinely checked by the team with a view to improve or change existing content. Sounds simple I know but this is across 16 territories and multiple devices such as desktop, mobile and App for all 3 brands. Lots of plates to spin every day – eeek!


The best thing about my job is…

Working with amazing people and work perks of course!


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My day in three words…

Challenging, Fun, Non-Stop

My fave work memory is…

There are so so many! But a recent one I think has to be Black Friday, it’s such a busy, challenging day but the atmosphere was amazing and for all our hard work we were treated to food, live music, a DJ and lots of drinks throughout the day!

Advice I’d give to someone getting in this industry

I would say the key qualities to succeed in an ecomms role at boohoo are; tenacity, resilience and to be able to thrive in a fast paced environment. Working in ecommerce means that no day is ever the same which keeps me on my toes. There is lots of opportunity to share your opinions and ideas as they’re heard and often actioned. Ask lots of questions and keep learning new things so you’re one step ahead!


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An average day goes a lil’ like this…



A quick catch up with the team first thing to run through priorities and update with all promotional activity, any upcoming launches, campaigns or projects.

After this I’ll check our online performance for the previous day, this includes a quick dive into google analytics to check sales and analyse customer behaviours on site by looking at things like homepage clicks, engagement, search terms, page views and abandon basket.


I’ll have already made a start on running our weekly trade report and looking at our key competitors to make sure we’re on trend. It’s my responsibility to make sure that the reports for key territories are done and summaries are sent out by the team – we’ll then have a trade meeting to discuss any findings or opportunities.


Usually something unplanned lands on my desk as a priority, and if this involves the team we’ll have a quick catch up to re-prioritise the rest of the day.


I like to get stuck into everything so by staying super organised means I’ll now plan or dedicate some time on current projects.

I’m also given loads of responsibility when it comes to ideas so I’ll split this time to research website improvements and keep up to date with any change requests I’ve raised with IT or UX – which may involve scheduling a meeting with the relevant people.


I’ll revisit our content page calendar to make sure I’m up to date with any upcoming campaigns or events and make sure any actions are planned in the teams day to day.

If I’m feeling organised I’ll finish off by making a to-do list for tomorrow!


