Makin’ the whole squad look good is difficult at the best of times so obviously our pre-teen selves *maybe early 20s* had to fall back on the fail safe, cliché poses. I mean they totally worked every time, right!?
1. Heads in the middle
A pose that looks like it’s straight outta the teen films – admit it, you wanted to be in the Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging crew too.

2. Fingers in the middle
The star was a classic (bright nail varnish preferred)

3. And whilst we’re at it, feet in the middle
Backdrop was key here people!

4. The shadow pic
Way too cool to show our faces. Who was even in this one? No idea but the squad look pretty damn cool!

5. The leg pop
Paired with a mini skirt and heels, this was the killer Friday night pose!

6. Fancy dress squad
There were those who chucked on a pair of ears and called it a costume and then the others… (refer below to giraffe and elephant).

7. When you first got a webcam
Remember life before Snapchat? Webcams were BIG. A sleepover wasn’t a sleepover before you’d tried absolutely every filter in your cutest pose possible.

8. Leaning on the edge of a pool…
Maybe it’s a super stylish infinity pool shot or maybe it’s a less than glam stand alone version (probs taken in the pre-teen stage), either way same thing, right?

9. …or just leaning
On the floor in front of a mirror, or y’know, in the street…?

10. The one that had 100 takes
This is what you call real photography (or you did when you were 14).

11. The candid shot
“Now everybody laugh”

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