Team boohoo Did It!

Here at boohoo, we like a challenge so we took on a 12 hour one in the form of the Yorkshire Three Peaks. That’s 24 miles walking. And when I say walking, I actually mean scaling cliffs and clambering up rocks. Luckily it was for a good cause – our chosen charity being Teenage Cancer Trust which at the time of me writing this, we’ve raised over £3,000 so far. 

Was it easy? Oh no. Each peak got harder and the final ascent was practically vertical with the team on their hands and knees pulling themselves to the top. It took a lot of willpower, food, determination and boohoo spirit to make it to the top but we did it. And was it worth it? YES. 

Team boohoo Did It!
Team boohoo Did It!

Don’t get me wrong, I won’t be doing it again in a hurry but it was a great achievement by all and a day we won’t forget for a while. Well done team boohoo. And here are some of the LOL quotes and pics…

Team boohoo Did It!

“I should have just thrown myself off the first cliff”

“What were we thinking?”

“I’m going to cry when we see the village”

“We’re going to get to the village and look like survivors off a horror film”

“I now have so much respect for Mo Farah”


“That’s NOT the boohoo way”


“I wish I brought sticks like Jenna, she’s got an advantage now she’s got six legs”

Team boohoo Did It!
Team boohoo Did It!