Looking for a new flat is hard. Trying to find one that isn’t something out of a horror film, ridden with mobile or isn’t the price of a five star holiday every month is near impossible. However, if you’re a prolific dater (hello Bumble, Hinge and Inner Circle), then you’ll deffo notice some similarities in the house hunting process…

The ‘making a good impression’

As with dating, you want to set off a good impression to your future flatmates. This means trying to look fun and cool to hang out with, but not too fun that they’ll think it’s weird. As always, you go for a picture where you’re smiling and holding a funny object/animal/wearing a hat saying ‘I love to hang out but I also like my personal space. I’m clean but not TOO CLEAN.’

The search begins

At first you’re dubious about whether you’ll find something. Then you begin to search and realise you were completely right in that there is nothing there you like. So you start to lower your expectations: you don’t need a living room, it doesn’t matter it’s above a kebab shop. What you started out with in taste has now drastically changed to a single room with a mouldy shower in the corner of the bedroom and some ‘pet slugs’ in the fridge that is shared between seven people.

But then it happens

You find the perfect place. You connect. They say you sound like the kind of person they like and they invite you over to see the place and get to know them. A successful match and one that you didn’t have to sacrifice anything for!

You get on soooooo well

You get there, find the place is exactly what you were looking for. You make a few jokes with each other, have a cup of tea, chat for ages and end on smiles. It’s all aligned! The connection was there, it matched exactly what you were looking for, who said this was hard?

Then comes the silence

You message the following day saying you had a great time and would love to take the room. Only to hear nothing back. Another message the next day. Still nothing. A third and final message saying, desperately “can you please just let me know either way? and WHY?’

You resign yourself to never hearing from them again

Goodbye beautiful kitchen with a balcony and a bedroom with a huge wardrobe within your budget.

Resignation makes you feel like it was all worthless

You decide to come off the app and just stay at home/in the current manky place you are now. You just can’t deal with the hurt and the disappointment again.

….You give it a few weeks and you start all over again

Image source: Pexels
