Back again following another crazy long but beautiful day at Graduate Fashion Week. Expecting things to be a little quieter after Sunday’s first day rush, we couldn’t have been more wrong, hours pass in a heartbeat at this event!
Here’s what went down…
8am Suspect packages
The show starts at 10am on the daily but me and two colleagues from the press team arrived early to give the stand a mini makeover. Carrying a mannequin, body under one arm, legs under the other, I enter flustered only to find fashion mogul Hilary Alexander stuffing bags with show programmes. Love her!
10am Grand Tour
We’re taken around the event by one of the shows trustees to get an expert view of the talent and excitement on offer. Talking to the grad class of 2016, the ideas and energy gave me brand new goals. And, then I met Tilly the Boston Terrier, life made.
12pm Special Guest
This year we teamed up with GFW to give the grads a chance to design a dress for our 10th birthday. Out of hundreds of entries, you lovely people voted Ella Maskrey as our winner. Her badass boho dress will be made and sold at boohoo later this year! Ella popped by the stand to talk inspo, summer plans and the scary world of adulting.

2pm Lunch on the Run
After inhaling fashion’s favourite lunch: a diet coke, sushi and a (much needed) coffee it was time to hit the streets with our second street photographer of the week David Nyanzi. I can’t even begin to describe David’s Duracell bunny style, here there and everywhere with a killer eye for style – we had a ball seeking out cool kids and off duty models.

4pm Pretty as a Picture
If you don’t follow illustrator Ella Masters on Insta yet, please stop reading this and sort it immediately. The self-proclaimed ‘Queen of the bearded tattooed dudes’ ( I hear ya hun) popped by the stand to do some portraits of the squad and all our beaut visitors. I have straight up fallen in love with Ella’s drawing of me, I’m so sure if it was an accurate representation I would not be sitting here single.

6pm Bubbles with Henry Holland
I’ve followed rebel designer since the slogan ‘I’ll show you who’s boss Kate Moss’ took pride of place in my wardrobe circa 2006. You can imagine how buzzed I was to have a glass of champagne with him courtesy of IBM (thanks guys).
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