This week, we’re <3-ing BNTM beaut and one sixth of our babein boohoo Black Friday #ModSquad, Alex a.k.a. Lexi.
At just 19 years-old, she’s already starred in series ten of Britain’s Next Top Model and is signed to J’Adore and M+P. Here’s what happened when we asked her some of life’s important questions…

How did you get into modelling?
I’ve always wanted to model! I did some work for a bridal company when I was 7 and fell in love. My first official job was for a Range Rover launch when I was 13.
What’s been your fave modelling job?
I was on this years BNTM and it was the best experience ever – the fun just hasn’t stopped since!
Three words that describe me…
Chatterbox, driven and inquisitive or just a nice word for nosy really. I love hearing about people’s lives (that’s definitely more than three words!)
My style is…
Black white and grey. It’s just super plain with loads of different layers and textures and with one statement piece like a buckle or a bit of glitter.
I really can’t live without…
At the weekend I can be found…
At the cinema. I’m such a geek – I was super excited for Star Wars.
My special skills are…
Literally talking about anything to anyone. I know so many weird facts about things that no one even cares about.
I’m always talking about…
Everything…mostly food, TV ( I’m loving I’m A Celeb at the minute…Adam to win!) or films.
The hashtag I always use is…
Mines boring! Probably #fashion
A word or phrase I overuse is…
Legit .. I can legit fit that into any sentence.
Dress up or dress down for a night out?
Dress up! Dress up 100%
Trainers or heels?
What’s your party trick?
I wish I had one – I’m gonna work on that!
Do you stay in or go out over Christmas?
Stay in. Christmas is for hot chocolate and new pjs !
House party or club?
Club (it hides my awful dance moves)
Mates or dates?
What will you wear to go out over Christmas?
I love over the knee boots and t- shirt dresses!
How do you deal with the marathon of happy hours, awkward dinners and a party list that doesn’t quit? Do you give up or go out?
I go out.. that’s the only way to deal with it!
Survival tips for going into work the day after a (Christmas) party/night out?
I always drink a pint of water before I go to bed after a night out.. it’s always worked for me and I never get a hangover!

Get the look…
Follow her @bntmlexi
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