It’s 10 years since T-Swizzle’s first album. Yep 10 years. Whilst we <3 Tay Tay, we never knew how much of a shining star her kick-ass cat Olivia is, until now. So here’s 10 times she owned Instagram…
When she was a kitten
I actually have no words
Everything about this photo
If looks could kill…
When she flew in style
No arguments over a window seat
In these carry cases
Like a boss
When she didn’t let herself blend into a white duvet
Nailed it
When she was basically a meerkat
And when a trophy merely meant another chew toy
No biggie
When she had a fiercer social profile photo than you
When she looked this cute asleep
And when she was that major she had a cardboard cut out made of her
She’s kinda a big deal

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