So she officially turns 40 today… (I know?!) and there’s a list as long as my arm with the reasons we LOVE America’s fave blonde actress.
We know her for providing us with a continuous stream of #womangoals throughout Legally Blonde, not to mention having a daughter who’s well, ADORBS. She also taught us how to attract bae with the cinematic, 98% effective ‘bend and snap’ technique. But, before I send too much pink spam your way, here are a list of things we didn’t know about the babein sensation…

Her real name is actually Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon

IRL she would describe herself as ‘a big dork who reads a lot of books’

Her favourite food is fried chicken (just when you think you couldn’t love her anymore?!)

She almost had a record deal, and turned it down for an acting career – and we couldn’t be happier about it!

She has a strange but huge obsession for tupperware (meaning she can’t drive past the store without buying her daily dose!)

She was arrested earlier this year for getting sassy with a police officer, LOL

Her spirit animal is a ‘hummingbird/squirrel’

She starred in Cruel Intentions at 23, the film that officially hooked Reese up with former (dreamboat) husband, Ryan Phillipe. Ok, so some may already know, but it’s one that definitely deserves a revisit!

She auditioned for the part of ‘Allie’ in The Notebook (alongside Britney Spears – say what?!) but unfortunatley lost out to Rachel McAdams

She named her dogs after some pretty awesome people, her French bulldog goes by Coco Chanel and her English bulldog, Frank Sinatra (amaze, but no competition for Bruiser Woods!)

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