So the iPhone 7 is soon to be in our lives, which means a lot of our rents are gonna want one. Major respect for them wanting to learn, but the teaching ain’t exactly easy.

Time to prep yourself for a tech 101… 

1. Absolutely NO double tapping 

We’re 50 weeks deep… Do you understand? 50. Weeks. DEEP.

Like anything on that page, and I’m moving out and starting a new life in China. 

Teaching Parents Tech

2. Comment etiquette

Ffs mum. Why are you commenting on my mates picture like it’s a hand written letter to your long lost love in the Cold War?

‘Such a beautiful picture. Look just like your mum, Katie. Keep smiling girls. Sending all of our love, Janet and the family xxx’ 

Teaching Parents Tech

3. The profile pic

Oookaaaaaaay… so in no way is it acceptable to have the family dog as your profile picture. Ever.

Last time I checked, there are no 50-year-old golden retrievers named Steve. 

Sort it out.

Teaching Parents Tech

4. Explaining followers

‘So they can see what I’m doing?’


‘WHAT? Noooooooo! I only want to see what they’re doing! Change it now. They’ll get my bank information or something.’

Give. Me. Strength.

Teaching Parents Tech

5. Facetime

Now this one’s a treat.

I know you want to see my face, but I need to be able to see yours as well. That’s how this works. It’s a two-way street. All I’m getting right now is a lot of forehead/eyebrow action. 

Move. It. DOWN. 

Teaching Parents Tech

Image source: giphy
