by Aqil Javed

Summer’s on its way A.K.A the season we all turn into sun worshippers, hit up beach parties and ALL the festivals. There’s a reason it’s everyone’s fave time of year, right? Yet what’s not so cool is the after-effects of all the partying and sunbathing on our skin…
Don’t sweat it though – we’ve got the skincare tips that will have your skin looking just as good as those killer outfits…
1. SPF
SPF should be a product used 365 days in the year however it can be forgotten about on those mornings when you’re running late to work (or it’s raining!) Adding a good SPF to your skincare regime will not only slow down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, it will also fade away dark spots – giving the skin an even tone.
With the sticky humidity, our dead skin cells can stick to the skin and block up those pesky pores. Exfoliating approx. 3 times a week will ensure your skin is left smooth and pores remain clear. Look for a natural cleanser without silica as this will be most kind to your skin.
With the sun beaming on our faces as we run along the beach like a scene from Baywatch, the skin loses its moisture and hydration. Every skincare fanatic and expert will lecture you on how important drinking water is, however in the summer it’s practically a lifeline. You’ll instantly see the benefits.
It’s not just your insides that need to be hydrated – it’s your skin too. Find a gel based moisturiser that gives you that all-important hydration and won’t leave you looking greasy.
When we sweat we lose electrolytes and nutrients – so we need to put them back in! How? Through food! Those Instagram green juices are actually really beneficial – especially spinach and kale which are high in iron and antioxidants and will improve the texture of the skin, making it GLOW!
Image credit: Unsplash
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