By Katie Forrester
What another totally amaze Xmas, it’s almost been ‘too much fun’. From countless glasses of fizzy, a hella lotta laughs and chipolatas, plus all those lazy mornings spent watching Christmas movies whilst scoffing chocolate for breakfast. It was a blast. But after the build-up of festivities, quicker than you can say mistletoe the stockings are empty and the party poppers popped! What now?
1. Detox O’Clock
When you can’t recall the last meal you ate that wasn’t beige. It may be time to jump off the carb train!
RN you’re fooling no-one that the diet has started until the last mince pie has been demolished and your cupboards cleared of indulgent treats. But prepping for a more colourful January is a pretty good place to start. Time to stock up the freezer with smoothie packs and pin superfood recipes for your future ‘5 a day’ self.
2. January Sales
A new year calls for new things! Only the best version of your self is good enough for 2017! You’re feeling a fresh look and that affordable embroidered number is in the bag!
3. Wardrobe Goals
You’ve emptied your bank balance on those ‘on sale’ sneaks and you’re still buzzing from that LBD off Santa. All those new threads call for a clean out. You’ll never wear that slip dress again, it’s far too 2016, plus clearing out your closet will clear your head too.
4. Restaurant Offers
Your mates have been raving on about that new place for months but you took one look at the prices and spent another Saturday at Nandos. Not this weekend! Your inbox is full of half price vouchers and it’s date night. Winning! The diet can wait another week or two…
5. Back To The Grind
The last time you went to the gym was pre Joel Dommet obsession. (He became priority over your spin class obvs!). But after the decs come down, there really is no excuse, spring is coming soon. Once that first class is out the way, you’ll remember that it actually makes you feel good. Who’d have thought?
6. Out With The Old, In With The New
The New Year is the one that counts, a chance to turn a new leaf and quit those bad habits. Whether it’s taking up a hobby, learning a new skill or shaking off your vices, we all want to better ourselves and there’s no time like the present!
7. Chapter One
The party season is officially over and the thought of normal life resuming fills you with a sense dread! Your social calendar is none existent, but not for much longer. Perfect motivation for the January blues is filling the empty pages in your brand new diary with scheduled fun! A spa day with the girls, your next road trip, the world’s your oyster! And you’re just getting started…..
GIF source: Giphy
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