by Clare Evans

4 Girl Power Instagram Accounts to Follow Now

It was the Spice Girls who first introduced me (and most other ‘90’s kids) to the concept of girl power. The idea that you can be a strong, confident, kiss-ass chick but still be completely unique. That building up other women – instead of tearing them down – is so much more empowering. That you CAN be sassy AND sexy and who gives a s**t what anyone else thinks. 

“Sisters before misters” and all that.

In their day, Scary, Sporty, Baby, Posh and Ginger spread a pretty important message and luckily there are some pretty awesome babes out there helping us to keep the #GirlPower message very much alive. *insert your own choice of emoji here – I’m going for the sassy girl and peace sign* 

Whether you need someone to give you a dose of inspiration, someone uber-relatable (that you totally want to be your BFF) or just someone seriously empowering, these are the four girl power Instagram accounts you should follow, like now.

1. Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls

4 Girl Power Instagram Accounts to Follow Now

Everyone’s favourite funny girl, Amy Poehler, has teamed up with her best pal Meredith Walker to create Smart Girls. If you’re looking for a dose of Girl Power, you’ll find it here. This Insta is all about encouraging and celebrating girls being themselves. Which, let’s face it, we all need more confidence in doing from time to time! Smart Girls will fill your feed with smart, sassy and seriously inspirational chicks that will show you anything is possible.

2. Carly Rowena

4 Girl Power Instagram Accounts to Follow Now

From workouts to snaps of her adorable Frenchie, Steven, Carly Rowena is the ultimate girl power babe.
When she’s not kicking butt in the gym and flashing her AH-MAY-ZNG abs, she’s sharing some seriously inspiring quotes, pieces of daily motivation and shows that you CAN still enjoy cake and cocktails. What’s more Girl Power than bench pressing more than your boyf and then getting glammed up with the girls?

3. Karlie Kloss

4 Girl Power Instagram Accounts to Follow Now

Part super model, part super woman; Karlie is so much more than a pretty face. A member of Swifty’s squad, expect to see snaps of her and her famous friends, behind-the-scenes shots, funny faces, her kicking ass in the gym and so much more. Karlie’s feed shows her in all her girl power glory. Where do we sign to be her pal?!

4. Hannah Gale

4 Girl Power Instagram Accounts to Follow Now

With a love for leopard print, pleated midi skirts, and cats, Hannah Gale is a girl after my own heart. She’s refreshing, relatable, and the type of girl you instantly want to be best pals with. What’s more, she’s open and honest and shows that it’s okay not to be okay and it’s also okay to shout about your successes. 

It’s so easy to look at Instagram and get filled with FOMO or serious “I’m not good enough feels”. Instead, follow some feeds like these that build you up – not tear you down – and show you that Girl Power really is alive and kicking.

I’m ending this piece with a quote that we all (me included) definitely need to remember:

Stop comparing your behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel.

Image source: Instagram
