by Ciara Kelly
The last couple of years has seen a huge rise in the feminist movement, with more women (and men) than ever breaking the mould, smashing the glass ceiling and slaying the crap out of everything they do. This definitive guide to some of the best Girl Power films and documentaries out there is guaranteed inspire the feminist goddess in you!
Spice World
It’s official, everyone’s fave day of the year is just around the corner and we’re not talking about National Pizza Day (unfortunately). For many couples, V-Day is a Hallmark holiday where they can proclaim their undying love for everyone else to see. For many singletons, it’s hell on earth.
But I’m not a hater. Being single on Valentine’s Day is pretty awesome, and here’s why!
by Zhenya Nikolova
It’s that time of the year again – the time all the singles, DREAD! And can you blame them? Special Valentine’s Day menus in each restaurant, roses and chocolates in every store, even fashion evolves into a uniform of red, black and all things lace. But don’t you worry, girl. These are some of the hottest single celebrities and they are killing it right now. So think twice! You don’t need a man to BOSS IT.
by Ciara Kelly
The last couple of years has seen a huge rise in the feminist movement, with more women (and men) than ever breaking the mould, smashing the glass ceiling and slaying the crap out of everything they do. This definitive guide to some of the best Girl Power films and documentaries out there is guaranteed inspire the feminist goddess in you!
Spice World
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