Calling all foodies! We never thought we would see the day that healthy and junk food were used in the same sentence… well, today is your lucky day gal! We’ve got the answer to your prayers.
Online London-based food company NUFF has announced a new ‘healthy junk food’ pop-up store will soon be opening in Shoreditch. So let’s explain how healthy junk food is even a thing…
NUFF specialises in making doughnuts, cookies, and brownies that are made using healthy and natural ingredients so they contain WAY less carbs, sugar and saturated fat than normal versions of these products. The company already have a 24/7 online delivery service for Londoners needin’ a sugar fix, what a DREAM.
The pop-up store opened yesterday and is running until the 8th of October, so you better get a move on! You can find it at 188 Shoreditch High Street. With it including their filled ‘Cleantella’ doughnut and tubs of vegan cookie dough, it’s not one you’re gonna wanna miss!
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