MTV has this week announced the return of Cribs. For those who didn’t grow up with this TV staple, it was basically house porn getting to see all the celeb’s oversized mansions, luxe decor and half a dozen cars on the drive. The famous show is going social, now airing weekly on Snapchat. Whilst we’re TBC on how this will look, we’re taking a walk down memory lane with some of the most iconic Cribs moments…

When Mariah Carey Took A Bath In A Towel
So statement, so M.C. Also let’s not forget her butterfly guest bedroom where her fan mail is, her dog is randomly in the tumble dryer/washing machine and the moment her other dog attacks her cat. All of the shocks…

When Branson Showed Off His Island
At $53k a night, not sure it’s one we can afford. But Mariah Carey happened to be chilling there too so yeah, #SQUADGOALS

When Hugh Hefner Took Us Round The Playboy Mansion
Don’t lie, you were curious too. We got to meet the butlers, a handful of the playmates and everything was as outrageous and as lavish as expected

When We Got To See Naomi Campbell’s Jamaican Holiday Home
Just the dream… A lagoon view, a private beach and the property where Ian Fleming wrote every one of the James Bond films

When Redman’s Cribs Tour Was A Little, Erm, Disappointing
Whilst the show is traditionally known for showing off celebs’ palatial digs and chic lifestyles, Redman ‘kept it real’ in showing how he lives, mess and all. And even his ‘safe’ which was a shoe box full of dollar notes. Respect to him for staying true!

And Finally, When Blue’s Cribs Episode Was One Of The Best Ever
Mainly because most of the lads were still sharing with their families so we saw their old school bedrooms – Grease posters and all! Also the cute factor was upped when Simon told the camera crew that Lee’s mum puts him up whilst the boys are in London
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