by Ettie Stevenson

It’s that time of the year where your new year, new you resolutions now seem a lifetime away and you’re stuck in the same ol’ cycle. You hate Mondays, get the midweek blues and live for Friday? Am I right?
It’s time to bring back your #motivation and feel a little fresher…
1. Explore
Is there a city or a place you’ve been meaning to visit? Stop thinking about it and do it!
2. Go to a gig
Loud music and lots of people having a good time is sure to get your pulse racing. Who cares if you haven’t heard of the band before, there’s nothing wrong with going along and soaking up that feel-good atmosphere.
3. Gym it
Exercise releases endorphins which make you happy. So whether you like a good run on the treadmill or you’d rather join a yoga class, get on it regularly and feel the benefits!
4. Have a clear out
How much stuff do you own that you don’t use/need? Spend an evening clearing out, trust us you’ll feel a lot less stressed.
5. Dance
Whether it’s in the kitchen or the club – just dance! Enjoy it and don’t worry about what your neighbours think.
6. Watch the sunrise
Sounds cringy AF (we know) but wake up that little bit earlier and watch the new day start. It’s the little things that make all the difference.
7. Be spontaneous
Step out of your comfort zone. Say yes to things even if you’ve not had an hour and a half to prepare. That rush could be just the thing you need.
8. Be kind
Whether it’s a random act of kindness to someone you don’t know or just being more appreciative of your friends, giving is good for the soul!
There you have it, these little changes could make the world of difference to your week. Go get it gal!
Image credit: Unsplash
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