Romantic expectations are always high on the lead up to the big day, but the reality of having a boyfriend isn’t always as high up the festive fun scale as you would expect.
By Jess Jepson
To gift or not to gift?
The most vital decision when you’re in a new relationship; to gift or not to gift? How much is too much? Because you want to show him you care and you’re totally into him, but you also don’t want to come across too keen. What if you get him one and he doesn’t bother to return the favour? What if you play it cool with a simple gift and then he pulls out all the strings and surprises you with a gift of a lifetime? You literally can. Not. Win.
Snow frolicking or snow fights?
Cute days spent frolicking in the snow are always high on the festive boyfriend expectations list, but when cute harmless snow ball fights actually end up with you being shoved head first into a huge pile of snow and you end the day freezing, soaking wet, disappointed and with a colder heart than the -5 temperature.
Cosy Christmas cuddles vs cosy complaints
Home alone, The Holiday, Love Actually, the list goes on. The Holidays aren’t the same without binge watching all your festive favourites. However, all your cosy cuddled up festive dreams are soon crushed when he doesn’t share your passion for Holiday films and spends the whole time complaining. Literally, the WHOLE time.
Mistletoe kisses
Now this one brings high expectations every year, as a kid everyone dreamed of kissing their future bae under the mistletoe in a magical, unforgettable moment. But let’s be honest here, it just never happens, does it?
His house or yours?
The most daunting part of having a boyfriend during The Holidays. Both of you want to spend it with your own families, but with each other too and you’re as stubborn as they come. You either have to spend the day apart or come to some sort of compromise.
Lonely lodges
The idea of spending your break at a cute lodge in the middle of nowhere is all rainbows and unicorns until you remember his mum’s a control freak. And you now have to spend the next 24 hours with her. With no escape.
The gift crisis
Shopping for presents is hell as it is, let alone when you realise you have absolutely no idea what to buy your loved one. Like what do you even get boys?! I’m pretty sure you can still buy them toy cars once they’re beyond the age of 12, can you? So every year you settle for the safe option; aftershave, socks, novelty boxers and his favourite chocolates. It’s the thought that counts, right?
Markets mooching
Months dreaming of cute evenings spent browsing the markets and sipping on mulled wine with your bae are soon crushed when you realise he just doesn’t share your love for tit bits. He feels your over analysis of the wide variety of soap flavours the stores have available is completely bonkers. Oh well, you tried! Beats going alone, right?
The commitment
Once it passes 1st of December, whatever relationship you’re in; good or bad, the reality is, you’re stuck. Whether you like it or not. That’s the rule. I mean it really would make you more heartless than Chuck bass in his early days if you dumped someone during the festive season.