This glorious human turns 36 today, so let’s celebrate him and all of the times he made us utterly obsessed with him.
1. Step Up
The year: 2006 (10 years ago? Vile). The acting: average AF. The cast, however… Honk honk.
Well, that was it. No other guy stood a chance after we all watched this. Can you dance like a pro? Do you have beautiful blue eyes that I want to swim in and pouty lips? No? Keep walking, pal.

2. Killing it on Lip Sync Battle
If there was ever a way for us to love him more, it was going to be him doing a cover of Let It Go. Full-on Elsa outfit included. Dance, Channing. DANCE.

And THEN he brings Beyoncé out. I mean, have you ever seen a man work a wind machine so well?
So… I still fancy you despite you being in high-waisted shorts, a wig and a crop top? How? How is this happening?

3. Dear John
Ok so it’s not critically acclaimed but how could you not love Dear John? It has Channing, in uniform, being all broody and romantic and writing love letters and sh*t.
In the film Savanna said ‘Two weeks together that’s all it took. Two weeks for me to fall in love with you’
Seriously girl, what took you so long?

4. Magic Mike (obvs)
Was there even a need for a script for this film? I would’ve happily watched this in pure silence.
Anyone else get the sudden urge to withdraw multiple £5 notes and make it rain at the TV whenever this comes on? No? (Liar)

5. He’s the cutest dad
If it wasn’t already adorbs that him and his wife Jenna met whilst filming Step Up, they have little Everly together. She’s 2 years old and such a little hun.
They wear matching outfits for crying out loud.
So. Many. Feeeeeeeeeeels.

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