by Holly May Murphy

I’m sure you’re all blissfully aware by now that, after what seems like forever, spring has finally made an appearance! Short days and dark nights are far behind us as we embrace a new season.
I like to see a new month as a fresh start, leave anything negative behind, embrace the sunshine, laugh a little more and see the world in its new (and hopefully sunny) light.
It’s a ‘midyear marking point’ where we sit back, think about those New Year resolutions we made all of 3 months ago and reassess the sitch. Here are the things we’re adding to our spring to-do list…
Okay, so first things first has to be clothes, right? It’s time to leave the chunky knits in the wardrobe and embrace new trends. Last year’s spring wear not looking so cute? Have a shopping spree! Fresh clothes can set you up for the weeks ahead and a killer outfit brings killer confidence to smash those new season plans. ‘Cos good clothes will always have your back.
It’s the deal breaker right? We all love a good treat now but I like to mix up my diet in warmer temperatures. Forget soup and opt for lighter foods like salads and wraps or try out some new smoothies – you never know what you might find yourself loving this season.
State of mind
A positive state of mind is important whatever the season. I’m not sure about you but I find the weather can have a huge impact on my mood. As much as I like the cosiness of winter, spring time certainly works wonders for me – if the sun is shining I feel so much more positive and ready to conquer the day ahead. See the new month as a fresh start and a new opportunity to make you a better you. Say yes more and don’t get caught up on the little things life likes to throw at us.
Try something new
It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut of day-to-day life and forget about having some down time. And that doesn’t always have to mean sitting at home watching Netflix. Take the plunge and get out and about, embrace the new month and grab any opportunity coming your way with both hands. I recently started a yoga class and it’s been a great way of keeping active as well as zoning out for a while and working towards a goal outside of studying and work. Setting goals brings positivity and drive which you can never have too much of.
Last but not least book yourself a H O L I D A Y. Put your feet up and sit back whilst you enjoy a well-earned break, whether it’s a short city break, spa weekend or a week away with the girls, book it and enjoy it!
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