As told by The Fresh Prince of Bel Air…
By Niki Igbaroola

1. The Excitement
At this point, getting in the car is the only confirmation you need to know that the Holidays are here. You’re full of cheer, ready to be embraced by the smells of home, especially the food. Sleeping in your childhood bed seems like bliss especially because odds are the heating will actually work its way into your room and sleep will not be a shiver-shuffle. So you hop in the car, bags packed rearing to already be there.

2. The Determination
The drive may be long but thinking of the food spread on the big day keeps you focused. Doesn’t matter what family member’s house you spend the big day at, the turkey is always super and the stuffing plenty. Plus the alcohol is definitely going to be WAY better than whatever it is your student budget has had you drinking especially closer to term end when funds and morale are WAAAAY low.

3. The Exasperation
You’ve hit the heavy traffic flow of other home bound commuters. Now you chastise yourself for not leaving at the crack of dawn like you promised. That night out yesterday stops seeming like such a good idea and the road trip snacks combined with the cabin fever are making you feel a bit nauseous.

4. The Panic
You spot the offending tattoo/piercing you promised yourself you’d cover up before leaving for home. Sweating that contradicts the freezing temperature. Your inner yogi rears its head as you try to remember how to breathe rationally. Your mind runs wild with the best ways to ensure you keep your new body adornment secret – particular poses, specially placed outfits….you start praying to God for contortionist skills you’ve never taken the time to learn; after all it’s the Holidays and miracles happen right?

5. The Acceptance
Getting to the food and the good heating means facing the firing squad. You’ve thought it through and a lecture from every adult you come in contact with about your choices is worth it. Holiday DINNER IS WORTH ANYTHING! Plus you’ve looked in that rear view mirror and given yourself one heck of a pep talk: YOU ARE A GROWN ADULT…sort of, kind of…
GIF source: Giphy
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