No matter how much we say no, sometimes that little voice inside your head screams random food at you and you end up trying to fill a craving; a craving for anything that has been fried or melted or even better; both!

Stage 1
Should I?
Do I really need a takeaway, could I just get something from the freezer? But then again, do I really want to get something from the freezer?

Stage 2
Coming To Terms With Your Decision
Big SIGH and okay, we can do this, we can order a takeaway – I’ll just get something small, nothing too heavy; might even go for an evening run after eating it.

Stage 3
What Do I Order?
CHOICES! CHOICES, EVERYWHERE! Why are there so many cuisines? I mean I’ve never even had Lebanese but I’m seriously considering it, I mean, their delivery is 5 minutes quicker than the kebab house. OOOOOH kebab *smirky face emoji*

Stage 4
Okay so a large pizza, chips and 6 pieces of chicken isn’t excessive? Right? No, I mean I can even have some for lunch tomorrow, so technically I have saved money and, like, the calories are over two days so I won’t even be over my daily calorie allowance? Twice the taste, same amount of calories! WIN.

Stage 5
The Wait
I’ve not seen that car before? Damn it, not my food! That’s a new car? Damn it, not my food! Is that… No it can’t be… is it? Damn it, not my food. I’ll just nip to the toilet before it comes… KNOCK KNOCK. Damn it, food’s here!

Stage 6
The Eating
Here comes the absolute 10 minutes of silence eating the wonderful goodness.

Stage 7
The Food Coma
We all know what comes next: the food coma and the unbeatable urge to take a nap from all the effort that just took. I am done. Until tomorrow, maybe…
GIF Source: Giphy
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