By: Yasmeen Gharnit

Whether you’ve been following Elisa Johnson on Instagram or on the reality TV show she stars in with her brother, EJNYC, you know that she knows how to turn out a lewk. After she self-styled her photo shoot, we asked her to spill her favorite fashion tips and summer tricks.
Summer Style Profile
“I like to definitely mix the high with the low. I like a lot of men’s clothing, so I’m definitely adding in those pieces in some of my looks. I really like a juxtaposition.”
Go-To Summer Outfit
“A crop top because I love to show my stomach and a denim miniskirt.”
#1 Styling Tip
“Don’t leave your house without your sunglasses, even at night.” Try out a colored lens like our Evie Blue Lense Aviator Sunglasses or Connie Reflective Lense Round Fashion glasses this summer.
Secret Summer Beauty Tip
“During the summer, there’s a lot of humidity and you get sweaty, and Urban Decay’s All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray keeps all of your face together.”
Style Comes When You Least Expect It
“My original dream was to be in the WNBA. I was point guard and the only freshman on varsity. I was killing it. But there was also a lot of pressure because everyone would think, ‘Oh, that’s Magic Johnson’s daughter.’ Eventually I just lost the love of it and fashion took over.”
Dream Summer Roommate
Michael B. Jordan
Dream Destination
“St. Tropez or Cannes. I love the south of France; it’s so beautiful and there’s always something to do.”
Perfect Summer Night
“I would be on the top deck of a yacht in the south of France with my man, looking up at the sky.”
Keep The Music Playing
“I really love to sing. My favorite karaoke song is ‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’ by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.”
Life Motto
“’In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.’ — Coco Chanel. It was my senior quote.”

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