New face of boohooMan and more importantly our man crush errryday Scotty T turned 28 yesterday!!!
Because we love him (and a good party obvs) we threw him a bash to remember, or perhaps not depending on how hard you hit the free bar. There may be a few sore heads in the boohooMAN den this morning, just sayin’.
Bringing our Dream Boy to Manchester, because it’s our home and it’s awesome, the strictly VIP affair was held at Suburbia night club. Srsly none of us SF girls were invited, probs because they knew our tongues would be hanging all night.
Grace and Lucy from The MANual however did get to attend *not jealous at all* and according to this morning’s tea round/gossip sesh it was an epic night followed by an eventful after party at Birdcage.
We’d like to dish a little more dirt but we never kiss and tell so…
On the bright side, we whisked Scotty off to Lisbon last week to film the new boohooMan TV ad, which means we can expect to see a lot more of him real soon. YAS!!!
About last night…