By Eve Macdonald
With his birthday today, here at boohoo we obvs wanted to celebrate all things Louis Tomlinson. Need convincing, here’s 10 to get you started…

By Eve Macdonald
With his birthday today, here at boohoo we obvs wanted to celebrate all things Louis Tomlinson. Need convincing, here’s 10 to get you started…
They might be on ‘a break’ but that doesn’t mean that we’re takin’ a break from givin’ out the love to the 1D members. As Niall, the ‘cute’ one, turns 23 this week, we thought it would be a perf time for a round up of reasons why we all have a soft spot in our hearts for the Irish hottie
1. He’s just so. so. CUTE. Ever since his X Factor debut, we knew fo’ sure, we were gonna love him
Snapchat, if you ever take this feature away, we will personally come to your offices and we will be having serious words. It’s pretty much the best thing since sliced bread… and Lord knows, we love us some bread.
Here’s a run-down of the celebs who have absolutely smashed this filter out of the park.
1. Chrohn Legend
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks (or you’re still Bieber obsessed. We’re not even mad at you), you’ll know that Zayn’s debut single, Pillowtalk, had every female across the globe going bat sh*t cray.
The high notes. Gigi slaying life in the video. It’s all just too good.
Blubbing over your cup of tea as you remember all those Little Things? The crinkles by Harry’s eyes when he smiles, the sound of their voices on tape. Don’t feel alone, we’re right there with you!
“You and me got a whole lot of history. So don’t let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever!”
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