By Sarah Miles
January: it gets a bad rep. With Blue Monday (officially ‘the most depressing day of the year’) falling in it, we say stop those negative vibes because there’s so much to get happy about. Here’s 10 things RN:
1. January sales
So who doesn’t love a bit of retail therapy to help cheer you up? January is the perfect time to get shopping – hopefully with a bit of Christmas money – the sales are a shopper’s paradise and it means more dollar for the weekend.
2. Spring isn’t far away
Just a matter of a few weeks stands between you and spring time, and you know what that means! Lighter mornings and evenings – actually seeing some proper daylight! And not having to dress up like the Michelin Man every time you go outside because it’s freezing cold – hurrah.
3. Makeover magic
Fed up of wearing the same clothes all the time, even though you have a ton of clothes in your wardrobe? Give yourself a wardrobe makeover – have a good clear out, get rid of things you don’t wear, or haven’t worn in like forever. You will feel like a more organised person, and you never know, you may even discover your new capsule wardrobe already sitting there ready and waiting!
4. Style overhaul
Always dreamed of having a short pixie crop but nervous about being so daring? Go for it – a change in your hair, make-up or fashion can give you a whole new outlook on life, and make you feel so much better about yourself.
5. Summer holiday planning commences
Now is the perfect time to start planning that summer holiday – this will help lift that low mood and give you something exciting to look forward to. And to shop for as well!
6. Get that dream job
Not happy in your job? Bored of doing the same stuff each day? Then make 2017 the year of getting your dream job. Get your CV looking amazing, brush up on any skills you need to update – maybe take a course or two, and nail that dream job. Make 2017 the year your job becomes your career.
7. Get festival planning
The festival season will be kicking off soon -get your tickets booked, start making your lists of who you want to see, what you need to pack, and most importantly what you need to buy.
8. Arrange loads of girlie catch-ups
Do you always feel guilty that you never get the time to see your friends? Arrange catch-ups with all the VIP girlies in your life and have a good old laugh and a gossip.
9. Take up a new hobby
Always fancied writing that novel, or learning another language? Then do it! Take the bull by the horns, and do something you have always wanted to – make 2017 YOUR year.
10. Always remember – life is short, make it count
Life is short and life is precious – don’t waste your life away being unhappy and miserable – make changes and make your life the best it can be.
Have a good one!
Image credit: Unsplash
It’s March (well, it’s been March for a week in case you hadn’t noticed) and now less than 2 weeks until it’s OFFICIALLY Spring! We’re already excited for picnics, beer gardens and bare legs but we’re not the only ones getting in the spring of things! These adorable animals totally get where we’re coming from…
Finally, time to stock up on the carrots!

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