Fall”s here and with it disappears our motivation to leave the house come the colder weather. So we’ve teamed up with Brooke and Erica from Pumps and Push Ups to help get your exercise game face on and get out of the house. All of the running tips you need to know about are here…
Start slow!
Don’t take to running thinking you’re going to run several miles your first day. Start with a small distance, like a mile and don’t attempt to run the entire thing. Begin with a brisk walk to warm up and try running for a minute and walking for a minute. If you go too hard too fast, you’ll end up with painful shin splints and possible injuries! If you continue to build on your endurance, you’ll be running miles in no time.
Run in intervals
This is kind of like taking it slow, but for a different reason. If you’re running for fitness, intervals are where it’s at! You will get more out of your run if you vary your pace, rather than a long steady pace.