by Kara Godfrey

If you’ve ever felt like you’re missing out on living an exciting and wild life, then it’s time you created yourself a bucket list. From the small to the big, here are some things to aspire to achieve at least once in your life to both better yourself and broaden your life experiences.
Learn a new language
Many people started a language at school and then let it slide. As we travel more and more, teach yourself to learn a new language of your favourite country, even if it’s just enough to have a conversation. Apps like Duolingo are perfect to do a little every day so within a year, you’ll be near to fluent. And they always help in job applications so two reasons to do it!
Travel to every continent
The world is a big place, and yet many of us travel to the same resort or city every year instead of trying new places. Head to each of the six continents (Africa, North and South America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, and Europe) to experience amazingly diverse cultures. And hey, if you love one of them, head back and explore it all the more!
Try an extreme sport
Eleanor Roosevelt’s “Do one thing every day that scares you” is one to live by, making sure you’re pushing yourself to do something new and scary. So there’s no reason to not branch out and try an extreme sport to raise the heart levels and embrace your inner thrill seeker. Hate water? Try skiing. Love the air above us? Brave a tandem sky-dive. Anything that makes your heart feel like it’s pounding out of your chest is always worth the fear.
Create a new photo album every year
As we live in the digital age, it’s easy to forget about the little moments in your life. Instead, every year take the best moments and snapshots and print them all out for a photo album to remember all the nights out, festivals and girly holidays. It’s the best thing to get out with a glass of wine and reminisce over 16-year-old you’s antics.
Volunteer somewhere
It’s easy to take everything we have for granted, and forget that you can do a lot of good with just your own time. Head to a food bank and help hand out meals, or work with Age UK visiting care homes and giving comfort to the elderly. You’re not just helping someone else, but it’s good for your own soul and wellbeing to give back.
Visit the wonders of the world
Who can name the 7 wonders of the world? Chichén Itza in Mexico, Christ the Redeemer Statue in Brazil, the Colosseum in Italy, the Taj Mahal in India, the Great Wall of China, Petra in Jordan, Machu Picchu in Peru? If you’ve been to any of them, great! Keep going, to say you’ve seen them all in your lifetime. After all, who knows if they will be there forever?
Learn a new skill
As someone who never learnt to whistle, it’s a skill always to be learnt one day. If there is something you’ve always admired someone doing, such as hula-hooping, french-braiding or surfing; stop wishing you could do it and actually try it.
Image credit: Unsplash
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